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Functional Integration
We connect products and services

Functional integration strengthens the customer’s relationship with the brand

Functional integration is the process of intertwining products and services into an ecosystem that draws in and retains customers.

Interactive ecosystem development

We can increase the value of individual products and the full range of the brand by connecting physical products and digital services into an interactive ecosystem. If the functionalities are integrated, a user of one product is more likely to buy other products within the same ecosystem. The users will not even consider the competition, because we offer them a better user experience, facilitate their shopping decisions, and increase their quality of living. The absence of a need to look for new products and services retains the customers in our ecosystem and increases their loyalty. 

Only the customer centric strategy can drive a successful business model 

In the process of functional integration the brand needs to be analysed from the point of view of the needs and expectations of its existing and potential customers. Based on that analysis we can define the position and objectives of the brand and form a strategy for their realisation.

Our knowledge can assist a comprehensive and effective transition into a customer-centric and personalised brand that truly places the customers at the centre of its operations, strengthening its relationship with them.

In the past the product was the end point of the customer experience. Now it is the starting point.

Stefan Olander

Stefan Olander

Continue reading Expanding the Product Portfolio
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